Advice on construction facility for new-build projects

Case Residential | Consultancy

The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) asked us to provide advice on a construction facility to help start stalled new-build projects. The final result was a comprehensive report that not only analysed the construction facility but also proposed alternative measures. The report was published in February  2024 on the website of the Dutch Government (only available in Dutch).

Follow-up research
In the fall of 2024, at the request of the Ministry, we conducted a follow-up study to further explore the two incentive measures with specific attention to feasibility, practicality and effectiveness. This study can also be found on the Ministry’s website.

This case is an example of our consultancy services to the government. If you would like more information about this case or have a query regarding the residential or residential investment market, please contact Stefan Janssen.


''This research makes a significant contribution to a long-term vision for increasing new construction in the Netherlands.''

Stefan Janssen, Head of Consultancy Capital Value