We do everything in our power to provide the best possible service to our clients and to treat everyone who comes in contact with us in a fair and respectful manner. If, for some reason, you are not satisfied with our service, we would appreciate it if you would contact us. We would be pleased to discuss the matter with you and come up with a suitable solution.
Complaints procedure
As a RICS member, we follow a formal complaints procedure that you can make use of. In that case, please contact Martine Cornelisse, office manager
Capital Value
Martine Cornelisse, Officemanager
Maliebaan 85
3581 CG Utrecht
+31 30 72 71 700
In response to your complaint, the following procedure will be initiated:
- Within three working days, you will receive a confirmation that your complaint has been received.
- After receipt of your complaint, the executive assistant will start an independent investigation into your complaint and the related circumstances. If necessary, we will contact you during the investigation for clarification or further information about your complaint.
- At the latest, 15 working days after receipt of your written complaint, the executive assistant will inform you of the result of the independent investigation into your complaint. She will let you know which actions have been, or will be, taken.
- If, within five working days after sending the written response, no reaction is received from the complainant, the complaint will be considered settled.
- If you are not satisfied and no agreement is reached about the way in the complaint should be solved and the settlement of the complaint, we will refer you to the Court of Arbitration for the Netherlands Building Industry, P.O. Box 19290, 3501 DG UTRECHT, The Netherlands, telephone: +31 (0) 30 234 3222 www.raadvanarbitrage.nl.

Do you have a complaint?
Please contact our Office Manager Martine Cornelisse so that we can find an adequate solution