As of January 1, some changes have come into effect regarding the rental segments on the Dutch housing market. As a result of the Affordable Rent Act, the regulated segment has been expanded and new amounts for the maximum rental price will come into effect. Please find the graph below to give you a complete overview.
Changes in the Dutch rental sector as of January 1st, 2025

Advice on the new WWS system?
The new changes will have an effect on all landlords with homes in the low and mid-market rental segment. If you need any advice on what the changes in the WWS mean for you, please contact us. We have developed an extensive WWS service that includes the new (maximum) rental prices per segment in 2025.
We can help you with:
- An up-to-date analysis of WWS points in your residential portfolio
- An additional optimisation scan
- A WWS-points report per unit, which is mandatory as of 1 January.

We can help you with an analysis of the WWS points of your residential portfolio at short notice.

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