ZVH sells 23 single-family homes in Zaandam

17 november 2020

Stichting Zaandams Volkshuisvesting (ZVH) recently sold a portfolio with 23 single-family homes in Zaandam. The buyer is a private investor from Rotterdam. Capital Value advised ZVH on the sale. Legal guidance was provided by Houthoff.

The liberalised homes are located in two properties in the residential area of ​​Peldersveld (on the east side of the Zaan). All homes were built in 1971 and 1972 and have a garden and an indoor garage.

Earlier this year, ZVH sold an apartment building in Wormerveer to fellow housing association WormerWonen. It concerned a residential block of 20 regulated rental apartments with a historic character.  Capital Value also advised ZVH on this sale.

Bregje de Looff, residential investment adviser at Capital Value: "For every type of product, we are looking for the right buyer. For the regulated homes we were able to establish a fruitful cooperation with a fellow housing assocation and the liberalised homes were an attractive product for a private investor."

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